Sunday, March 24, 2013

Good Riddance to the pole!

So the hideous pole is gone.... Hallelujah! I can't tell you how happy I am!
In case you missed it. I wrote about the pole a little while ago here.
This is what you see when you look through the non existing front door now..... (I just can't wait for the front door and the garage door to go in)

Looking through the front door now

And this is what you see from the garage. The door on the left goes in to the entrance. The stairs will be directly in front of you, and the door on the right is for the storage under the stairs. There is quite a bit of space under there.

The solution involved a second door in the garage.

It's great that we were able to compromise and find the best solution to this problem...
I'll be back later in the week with lots more photos of what's been happening. Obviously we are up to gyprocking now, so I am a little behind in my updates....
Teresa x

Thursday, March 21, 2013

House update!

Work at the house has been progressing in leaps and bounds, and we have been so excited by all the changes and how quickly the place is going up. Another week or two and we will be at lock up!

My darling husband has been working tirelessly at the house. He's an Electrician and wanted to wire the house up himself, and because we are using a small private builder, he was happy to allow David to do this. It means that we haven't seen very much of him lately, as he has been spending the evenings after work and the weekends working on the house. He's almost done though....

So, last time I updated you on the house progress, the floor trusses were in... Now we are finished the frame stage and the roof went on yesterday! I think the Hebel wall panels go on the upper floor starting tomorrow. Anyway, even though I haven't been posting much here, I have been popping in at the house regularly to take lots of photos, so for now I'll let them do the talking...

Frame work going up on the top level

View of the side - Upstairs above the garage is the main bedroom

Front view

Standing inside looking towards the front

Roof trusses going on

View from the back. You'll notice that the trusses for the back decking have been removed. I'll have to fill you in on that!

Windows start going in.

More windows. Side view.

Roofing and guttering going on. We chose Colour bond Shale grey for our roof and guttering

Top hats on ready for the Hebel to be installed. This section that you see jutting out from the rest of the house is where our heater is going and there will be bookshelves either side

So, while I was putting up these photos, I remembered that I hadn't filled you in on what's happened with the deck.... So here goes....
Usually when you build a deck, the decking boards would run horizontally across the house. Our architect didn't take this in to consideration when the plans were drawn, and so the trusses for the deck were just an extension of the house - so they ran the same way, and after the trusses had been laid, we (and the carpenter) realised that he had the decking running the opposite way. Needless to say we were unhappy! Running the boards that way would have looked rather awful. Our lovely builder organised for everything to be dismantled and the deck will be laid properly soon!

So, that pretty much brings you up to date with everything that's been happening.... Since I started writing this post the Hebel is almost all on, the roof is complete and the gyprock her been delivered ready to go up!

Teresa x

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Pole Palaver

Hello! It's been such a long time since I have blogged. As I expected, I am so very busy now that I am back at work, and the 4 days I have at home with the kids just go by soooo quickly! We are managing though.
There has been a LOT going on at the house, which I will update you on later, but today I wanted to share with you a little story about the house... 
The carpenter started working on the frame, and David happened to pop in, and noticed a post in the entrance way, that we weren't expecting to be there.
He called me over to come and have a look, and says that he has some ideas for how to fix it, so I dropped the kids at my MIL's as the building site is not suitable for them, and headed up there to have a look...
Here's a picture of the offending post... Honestly, who would want to look at that when they walk in the front door? Also, the door from the garage is behind the post, so we would have had to walk around it to get in around to the stairs, which are to the front of the post. Not practical when you might be holding a couple of shopping bags, or something!

I later joked that maybe they should have been putting such poles in more suitable rooms in the house, such as perhaps the bedroom, lol!

I was horrified to find this post here, and couldn't believe that no one had told us that there would be a post required here, because surely it didn't have to be there, and a beam could have been put in the ceiling instead or something, but no... Apparently there was absolutely no other option.

The pole had to stay.

I won't lie. I was very annoyed. At first, I couldn't see any solution. Of course, I'd not been having the best day, and so tears followed, and I think I said some unkind words about the architect!

I found a solution, though! I was very excited because usually my solutions are stupid and don't work - David usually just laughs them off and tells me that my idea is ridiculous, but this one was perfect. It gives us access from the garage to storage under the stairs and involves us adding in another door for us to access the house from the garage. The carpenter advised us that it was an easy little change to make, but it would need to be cleared with the builder first. Thankfully we are building with a small builder, who was very understanding and has agreed that we can make the changes. So our crises was averted! Phew!

So happy to have been able to dodge that one! The pole is still in full view at the moment, and hopefully work will be underway to disguise it soon!