So, I thought that now that the slab has been poured, It would be a good chance to show you what's going where downstairs... That will, at least give you some idea of what we are doing here...
As you have already seen in photos, the block is sloping up from the road, and has views. We wanted to take advantage of those views, and we also wanted to use the slope of the land to build our house, rather than carting away tonnes upon tonnes of dirt. After all, as I have always said, "It's our dirt. We paid for it, and why should we pay someone to dump it somewhere else if we don't have to!!!" So (I am rambling... sorry, I know) the front of the house is two stories and the back is single story. This has meant that even though we have had to remove some soil, we have not had to remove as much and as such our retaining costs have also been reduced. This project has taken us so long to properly start as the builders we had initially approached had wanted to dig far more than we had wanted, insisted that it would be ok... and then changed their minds when they put it on paper, and realised that over 2 metre retaining walls around the house would be required.... Time wasted! And end of my rant, ha!
Anyway, back to the layout. I've labelled a pic of the slab to show you what goes where! Downstairs is very basic... The entry, A spare bedroom with ensuite (just a toilet and hand basin), Double garage and stairs. The bonus of building this way has meant that we have a nice little storage area under the house. It's like a cellar I suppose. The floor is concreted as part of the slab and it will be accessed via a roller door, so we will be able to get big things in and out of there if we need.
Upstairs there is a balcony to take advantage of the views, four bedrooms with ensuite to main, a seperate lounge that we will use as a home theatre, open plan kitchen dining and family room, the laundry as well as a family bathroom of course! We have also taken advantage of the fact that we are building and so we have incorporated an under the main roof entertaining space out the back.
Well, I hope that has given you some insight in to our project....
Today the brick layers started on the back retaining wall. It's nice to see things constantly progressing!
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